Sunday, 7 September 2008

A minute of your time

I don't usually do this but please spend a minute reading this email from a local Councillor in Sutton and then go through and sign the petition please.
The London Borough of Sutton is proposing to cruelly slash the budget for transporting Special Educational Needs Children from January 2009. Obviously, anyone with the capacity for thought and compassion will recognise that this is a travesty and not welcome in our allegedly civilised world. The cuts would place in severe jeopardy hundreds of special children, this is A FACT, not a dramatisation of a distressed father, and add even more stress to the parents, carers, siblings and teachers that have to cope and deal with far too much as it is without cynical governmental penny pinching measures sticking a further unwelcome knife into their backs.

Consultation on this matter is a fallacy, I am an elected Councillor of Sutton with a severely Autistic son of 8 years old and not once have I been asked for any information, input or, unfortunately, the time of day. Indeed, disregard and contempt has met any attempt to raise the issue democratically. The only consultation apparent is with those without direct knowledge of a serious and rapidly increasing problem.

I urge you to sign the petition at:

Councillor David Theobald
St Helier Ward
London Borough of Sutton


Anonymous said...

While I'm certainly aware that in order to balance a budget, cuts need to be made. I also believe that it's unfair to make these cuts from services which provide much needed support to people with disabilities and their families.

Anonymous said...

While I'm certainly aware that in order to balance a budget, cuts need to be made. I also believe that it's unfair to make these cuts from services which provide much needed support to people with disabilities and their families.