Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Yet another Worcester Park blog

Who can't help but love a blog whose stated intention is "To document the cans and bottles of the alcoholic drink left just about any where by drinkers".

Two entries so far, both from Worcester Park, and I somehow expect there'll be more soon..


Saturday, 20 June 2009

Lights, camera, action!!

A green car pulls across in front of another car and forces it to stop with a squeal of tyres. Out jump two scrawny youths in their late teens shouting threats and abuse with one waving something in his hand that glints in the evening light. The other car reverses in panic as the youths advance but in his haste to escape he doesn't quite make it around the silver taxicab behind him and the two meet with a crunch of metal and plastic. Spooked by the attention they're now getting the youths jump back into the car and speed off...

Not a remake of "The Sweeney" or some other TV show but the scene outside Christ Church St Phillips last night around 8pm according to eyewitness reports.

Let me know if you've heard any more.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Fathers Day approaches

Nick from VoucherCodes got in touch with me today to mention that they have a number of Fathers Day offers up for grabs which might help if you're late in getting your Fathers Day gifts. The way it works is that you get the code from their web site and it'll give you a discount buying from that particular retailer, with the list of participating retailers including Lovefilm, Game and (more importantly to me) Hotel Chocolat! They also have a number of printable vouchers you can take with you into places but these seem to mostly be for restaurants. If you can't get down to the retail heaven that is Central Road in time for Fathers Day then this may be the option you've been looking for.

All we need now are some Voucher Codes for our local Worcester Park shops and restaurants and we're set!!

Voucher Codes Fathers Day Offers

P.S. To keep my dealings entirely transparent I don't receive any money or freebies for passing this on and my Dad's dead so it's not much use to me anyway.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Putting his foot in it

This is going to do Browning Avenue's reputation no end of good..... Daniel Davison, of Browning Avenue in Worcester Park, has been convicted of importing and selling 200 pairs of fake Nike trainers on eBay. Sutton Council's Trading Standards report that:
"He was given a seven-month suspended jail sentence and ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work at Croydon Crown Court on 29 May after pleading guilty to the possession and supply of the goods. An investigation by Sutton Council's Trading Standards officers found that Davison had earned around £16,500 through selling goods on eBay from January 2007 to June 2008. Sutton Council officers are now working to seize Davison's illegal earnings through the Proceeds of Crime Act."

Any other dodgy traders you know of in Worcester Park?

Sutton Council Trading Standards

Monday, 8 June 2009


I spotted a desperate cry for help on Gumtree from someone in Worcester Park whose dog has gone AWOL and thought I'd reproduce it here:

On Sunday the 7 June My Dog got out of the house. A woman was seen to have picked the dog up. On the corner of Yew Tree Close and Church Lane. When approached by a neighbour, she said that she only lived round the corner, and would bring her back later that afternoon, she was asked for some information on who she was, she declined to give any information, and followed on to say ‘ I know what it is like to loose a dog’ .

So far the woman has not turned up with my little dog

Description of Dog
She is a brown and white Chihuahua X Jack Russell. Very small and very nervous little thing. Her name is Dotty and also adorable although a little scatty.

My daughter and I wondered if you have any information on the whereabouts of our little love, would you please contacts us on
07980204535 OR 07957971110, 07599032014

If you live in that part of Worcester Park, or have friends who do, please bring this to their attention and hopefully we'll have a happy outcome!!

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Making water run uphill.

Seriously nice thunderstorm this morning. Brinkster Minor had woken up early this morning so we had the full pleasure of it but if anybody was hoping to go to Sainsburys at the top of the hill it's closed because of flooding. Quite how you flood something at the top of the hill I'm not sure but you'll have to go elsewhere for your eggs and bread until they mop it up.

For those with a meteorological slant here was the weather radar at 6am this morning.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

It's just not cricket

If you want a chuckle you might want to read Quadrant Cricket Club's description of playing Worcester Park Cricket Club recently. It seems as though the hallowed turf of a cricket pitch isn't universally respected in South West London, Battersea in this case:

"There was a fair crowd lining the boundary, too, and the ICC's global committee will have learnt a few things if they had ventured to SW London to witness the cosmopolitan crowd on show. Admittedly, Quadrant had around 20 of its own while the other 100 were soaking up the sun, but they soon knew a game was on when Edmunds and Arbee stroked the ball onto one girl’s back, through sunbathing chicks and then dangerously close to happy families lounging beyond long-on.From here the game turned. Worcester Park’s ‘Uncle’ called a mid-pitch meeting and urged the game to be scrapped – citing a dangerous pitch and safety of the locals – before a compromise was set at 25 overs each"

"Quad had to deal with several unexpected sightings in the field. They might well have been put off by a gaggle of single mums walking their pitbulls and Rottweilers across the pitch as well "

At least I think it was at Battersea...

Quadrant Cricket Club

Worcester Park Cricket Club

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Fire in Brinkley Road

There was a big fire in Brinkley Road yesterday with fire engines in attendance and smoke so thick that one person described how they could see it all the way from Central Road and another commenting that they couldn't see the other end of Brinkley Road. Whatever it was it seems to have been fairly significant and more than your average chip pan fire.


I was at work and Mrs Brinkster was out-and-about so I don't really know what happened or whereabouts in the road. A quick stroll up and down the road last night didn't reveal any charred buildings so I'm assuming that it was at the back of a property or in the garden. Can anybody enlighten me?