This is the kind of day that anyone with even the slightest trace of geeky blood in their veins can really look forward to. I was just perusing the Streetview additions to Google Maps when Simon emailed me a link with Brinkster Central on it!! London Streetview has gone live on Google Maps so from the centre of London to our beloved Worcester Park you can virtually drive down the streets and avenues and peer in the windows to see what everybody's been up to. Let me know if you see anything potentially salacious or controversial!!
I'm sure you'd rather get on and browse so why not start
here on Central Road
Hi there, sorry to be off topic but I saw you on the tot list and thought you may enjoy meeting other British Mummy Bloggers at Hope to see you there.
A truly awsome application that will be used in hundreds of ways and a fantastic way to historically record 'our time'.
On the privacy side they did miss blurring of my own car number plate but the error reporting tool has catered for this and I got an email beck in seconds. I'll let you know when the photo is updated.
I notice that someone has lost their legs while crossing the road:,-0.242503&panoid=LWR4F4DdkGaDoK7Wh4tJ6A&cbp=12,256.66077410641776,,0,16.185720229365028&ll=51.379053,-0.242622&spn=0,359.986267&z=16
Well google are quick... the images showing my numberplate have been removed completely. I'll post here again if they put it back up. Very efficient so far.
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