Sunday, 28 March 2010

Somewhere over the rainbow

Taken by The Parkerilla around 5pm on Saturday!!
Thanks for sending it in!!

Monday, 22 March 2010

What did the Hamptons ever do for us??

Pardon the Life of Brian-ish title but prospective Lib-Dem candidate Jason J Hunter just emailed me to point me in the direction of his latest article "The Hamptons in Worcester Park" aka [from his email] “The Hamptons, its not all bad!”.

The article attempts to explain what a boon having The Hamptons has been and you can find it here:

I won't air my own opinions here but I'm that suspecting John James may be doing a roaring trade in pitchforks and tar in response to that..... ;)

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Daffodil Parade

It's the Daffodil Fair at Christ Church and St Philips right now, which was preceded by a parade up Central Road.

In 100 years time you'll be able to buy photos like this as antiques and people might think we did this every weekend because we only had 2D TV and you mostly had to access the internet using wires!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Whoopy Park?

Just a moment to mention another new blogger to Worcester Park, the recently-moved "Route 1to499", who has posted "Settling down in Whoopy Park" and whose stated objective is as follows:
Over the next few months I intend to travel on every London bus route in its entirety and document my adventures.

There are over 600 main routes crossing the capital. The basic London routes start at No 1 and go up to No 499, with only a few gaps. Those between 500-700 are basically part-time services and school buses, which I shall avoid for obvious reasons. My tentative plan is to complete at least three a week – in between job and family – which should see me done before the Olympics.

Welcome to the neighbourhood Ben!!